Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Ecofootprint

After using the eco-footprint calculator, I have discovered that if everyone lived my lifestyle we would need 4.9 Earth's to support humans.  This number is a little shocking when first seeing it.  While I am not the most sustainable of people, I didn't feel my lifestyle was that bad for the environment.  This was a little bit of an eye opener. 

Part of the reason my number is as big as it is, is because I don't buy locally and I buy a lot of processed foods.  If I cut back on the process foods and bought more things that are grown locally this would help a lot.  This reduces the amount of food miles that it takes from the origin of my food, to my plate.  Also if I eat less animal products this will reduce my number.  Animal farming has a lot of inputs, for very little output. 

If I were to change these things, however it would only reduce my eco-footprint a little. We would need 4.7 Earth's to support everyone.  It did reduce my footprint a little, but not much.  Part of my problem is that I drive a lot.  I live 20 plus miles from work and school, as well as 40 plus miles from my boyfriend.  So I do a lot of driving all over the place.  I can not reduce my driving needs at all.  Unfortunately, I was unable to locate the maximum population the earth could sustain if everyone lived my lifestyle. 

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