Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Climate Change: Man-made or Natural?

On the subject of climate change there are many views.  Most views are that its man made, natural, or some combination of the two.  I personally think that climate change is a combination between being man made and natural.  If you look back through history the climate has had many changes.  Many of which occurred before man.  However, I do feel man may be making the climate change faster than it normally would. 

It's very hard to pick out a reputable source on climate change information.  A lot of the information out there is skewed one way or the other.  I personally feel the only reputable sources would be an un-biased climatologist.  This way we are getting just the hard facts. 

Climate change is always portrayed in the media as being very threatening.  If we don't act now then there will be a serious problem.  The media tends to create chaos, and we should really take everything said with a grain of salt. 

This portrayal does not make me very likely to alter my lifestyle.  The most harmful thing I do is use electricity and drive to and from work.  And with that, there is a lot of research going on to find more environmentally friendly energy and reduce our emissions. 

The effects of climate change if it continues to change at a rapid rate it could effect my children and grandchildren.  The climate change can effect the agriculture, causing droughts and changes in natural environments of certain areas.  They may face strange weather conditions, food shortages, and fresh water shortages.  Climate change is serious, however we can not just blame it on people. 

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