Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Genetically Modified Eucalyptus: Good or Bad for FGCU?

The Eucalyptus tree is mostly native to Australia, and there are over 700 species.  It is an important resource because it is a fast growing source of wood and producing oils that can be used for cleaning and functions as an insecticide.  The tree can also be used to drain swamps as it has water sucking ability.  Nearly all of the species are evergreen.  The tree has the ability to be chopped off at the root and grow back again. 

The eucalyptus is very beneficial in the fact that it can dry up flooded areas very quickly.  It also grows at a rapid rate and can regrow if its been chopped down. 

There are some concerns with the eucalyptus tree though.  The tree has a high possibility of catching on fire, especially during dry seasons and lightening storms.  The oil that is produced by the leaves are highly combustible. 

After taking all these factors into account it is not cost-effective to mitigate these risks.  Florida already suffers from droughts, and if FGCU allowed ArborGen to plant the genetically modified there would be a bigger water problem.  The water that is needed to recharge the aquifers would be sucked up instantly by the trees.  While the trees do grow at a rapid rate, the benefits do not outweigh the risks. 

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