Thursday, May 19, 2011

Colloquium: What it is and What I Expect

I personally was not looking forward to taking Colloquium, but that all changed after sitting through the first day of class.  I didn't know what to expect with this course, but now I expect to learn how to live a more sustainable life.  I am looking forward to learning what little things I can do to help the environment.  How the smallest of actions can make the largest impacts. 

Sustainability means the ability to maintain an environment so that it can remain productive and replenish itself.  This relies on us humans not overusing the land and being aware of how our reactions impact the environment.  

As an accounting major, I am able to help companies explore the costs of becoming more sustainable as well as perform audits of a company’s impact on the environment. Accountants have a lot of influence over companies, as they can tell how many resources the company is using and can help them limit the resources to become more sustainable.  

I personally have some different behaviors that are unsustainable.  I have been known to take long shower; I will sleep with the TV on and leave various electronics plugged in longer than necessary.  I can be wasteful in everyday life, by throwing out recyclable items, wasting gas in my car by sitting in it while it’s on, and I will leave the door to my lanai open while the air conditioning is on.  I personally don't like nature, but my attitude towards it has always been one of a caring nature.  I don't want to see us deplete the remaining natural resources we have.  We need to work together to preserve what we have left.

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