Sustainable farming is all about getting the most one can out of the land by using the least amount of inputs and using the most environmentally friendly resouces. No harsh fertilizers should be used, only organic fertilizers or natural compost in the fields. The farming would be done by hand and not using any form of machinery
There are many ecological principles being supported in sustainable farming. They are doing whats best for the environment. They are not putting any harsh chemicals into the ground which in turn is also protecting our drinking water. By not using machines, they are reducing their carbon footprint and lessening their dependence on need for oil. The food will be safer to eat and animals on these farms are treated better.
I don't buy organic or naturally labeled foods. While I do knowsome ofthe different organic products can be better for you, I feel that I haven't had any problems thus far with it and don't want to spend extra money on the items. Organic and "natural" foods tend to be more expensive.
I feel that I am very disconnected with the food system. I don't want to know where it comes from, how it was grown/treated, or what is generally involved in the whole process.
If FGCU offered a space to grow my own fruits or vegetables, I would not be interested in using the land. I don't like gardening and personally amnot worried about fresh versus store bought. I prefer to just go to the store and buy everthing I need.
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